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PRICES for Video Blazer and software packages

The device costs 750 Euro

The program to it:

1. House – 140 Euro

8 IP cameras, 4 sensors, 4 relays, combined logic

Neural networks: person, car, bicycle, truck.

1. Сottage530 Euro

8 IP cameras, 4 sensors, 4 relays, combined logic

Neural networks: person, car, truck, bicycle, bus, tram/train, license plate number, faces.

2. Car parking 1 driveway – 190 Euro

2 IP cameras, 4 sensors, 4 relays, logic for opening and closing gates, a special interface for operator work, WEB interface for remote editing of the database of authorized numbers.

Neural networks: license plate number, car.

3. Car parking 2 driveways – 400 Euro

4 IP cameras at the gas distribution plant (two passages) or 2 IP cameras at the gas distribution zone (one passage) and 4 IP cameras for video surveillance of the territory, 4 sensors, 4 relays, logic for opening and closing gates, a special interface for operator work, WEB -interface for remote editing of the database of authorized numbers.

Neural networks: license plate number, car, special transport (ambulance, fire truck).

4. Weapons – 680 Euro

4 IP cameras, 4 sensors, 4 relays, combined logic

Neural networks: weapons (pistol, shotgun, machine gun), person, car, truck, bicycle, bus, tram/train.

5. License plate detector400 Euro

6 IP cameras, 4 sensors, 4 relays, specialized logic, communication protocol with the Web server, communication protocol with the Duplo server, communication protocol with Spetslab-Perekrestok.

Neural networks: License plate numbers.

6. Vehicle sensor - 390 Euro

One 8K camera for the entire intersection or 6 HD cameras for driving directions in any combination. 4 sensors, 4 relays, specialized logic, communication protocol with ITS, communication protocol with Spetslab-Perekrestok.

Neural networks: pedestrian, car, truck, bicycle, bus, tram/train, special transport.

Other neural networks are supplied with adaptation to the client object. The individual cost of the program starts from 2000 EU. To determine the price, you need to send videos of recordings from CCTV cameras at a specific facility. Today the following neural networks are available (and new ones are constantly being added):

Faces, faces in medical masks, faces in balaclavas, banknotes, attention detector, QR code, drones, body parts, mobile phones, uniforms...