
Video Content Analysis

Device for neural networks

Neural networks monitor

For each video camera, the system identifies people, weapons in their hands, vehicles such as cars or motorcycles they arrived on; vehicle license plates are identified, faces are recognized and sent to the appropriate database; information about following drones is reported...

Behavior is analyzed: poses of a shooter or a fallen person, danger gestures, action combinations such as "first took money, then the passport, without opening the safe," and many other algorithms tailored to your specific tasks.


PC-based video surveillance is expensive — primarily because you need a computer. A regular DVR is useless — it will only record how you were killed. And the footage will likely be stolen. 

A regular alarm only works where no one is present,
while the video blazer detects danger among people. 

Where You Can't Install an Alarm

Regular alarms only activate when there’s no movement, but the Video Blazer protects even in crowded conditions. Without needing to be armed, or pressing panic buttons, it will independently call for reinforcements and respond when detecting weapons, raised hands, a fallen person, or physical assault...

It Protects Outdoors

At the same time, the intelligent video recorder avoids false reactions to animals, swaying branches, snow, glare, insects crawling on cameras, and other interferences, unlike regular smart cameras or motion detectors.

Because of this, no private security company will secure your property behind a fence or your car in the yard. Perimeter security system sensors based on containers are insanely expensive and often trigger false alarms from animals. The smart Video Blazer is the world’s first OUTDOOR ALARM SYSTEM without the complex and extremely costly perimeter installation, simply using existing IP cameras.

All Types of Security Systems in One Device

Neural networks work in conjunction with any sensors and devices. The power relays on the Video Blazer can stop criminals. And the notification system instantly alerts about a crime in the making — before it happens.

Video Content Analysis for:
any IP-cameras,   USB-cameras,   Machine vision cameras,    sensors,    security devices

Brevity of Data

How to know in advance about...? It's difficult to review daily footage from each of the 10 cameras, but a quick glance at the monitor or phone is easy!

Artificial intelligence analyzes everything happening around you and provides the content in the most concise form! This way, you can stay on top of issues in black screen mode: without unnecessary information.

Intellectual video surveillancein a compact all-weather housing without complex settings

Now you can replace a huge powerful computer and expensive nVidia video cards with it, as well as the room, cooling and maintenance, with a small cheap box - VIDEOBLAZER. And the possibilities will be the same!

Price <10 times      Consumption <20 times    Settings <30 times     Maintenance <40 times    Reliability >50 times

NO wet     NO dust     NO noise     NO cooling     NO heating     NO maintenance     NO conspicuousness 

Intellectual revolution in equipment and VCA-software - specially for artificial intelligence

To any person, any office, any home or apartment, smart transportation system or parking, even for building a Safe City...

Traditional surveillance systems can only record how you were killed or robbed, or if unknown individuals in balaclavas violated something somewhere. You can spend a long time searching for something in video archives from multiple cameras.

Videoblazer - video surveillance system protected from external interference, with a brief summary of archives, collecting biometric data about objects of user interest: humans, cars, faces, license plates, weapons, portable items, behavior type, movement or actions, violation articles... And counteraction logic!

It is time to prevent the rapidly growing criminal problems in Russia by collecting necessary information about suspicious activity, novelty and repetition of actions by recognized objects, daily brief reports to the user about the state of affairs in the form of electronic "clippings" of specific individuals, cars, faces, license plates, left or moved items, etc.

Today, based on available signs, even without police assistance - but on the Internet, anyone can find a specific person or car. Videoblazer collects personal data of individuals and vehicles around the object, which can lead to people who are planning to cause trouble for you. To rob or kill, one must commit actions different from the standard behavior - based on them, you can identify the imminent criminal threat. Already at the surveillance stage of a house, apartment, or factory - where crime usually begins - you will know the future suspects of an unsuccessful attempt on you or your property.

Today, accusing someone of committing unlawful acts, especially certain individuals, is not only futile but also dangerous. It is more advantageous to prevent crime at the preparation stage! Or come to the police with specific names and numbers - law enforcement officers willingly take on cases that can be quickly solved. In fact, it is only for such cases where everything can be quickly solved that they are taken.

Automatic Decision-Making System

Based on data from cameras and various types of sensors, by activating control circuits for any devices.

The hardware is the same, you simply install the firmware tailored to your specific object: Apartment, Smart Home, Cottage Security, Perimeter Protection, Access Control System (ACS) for the office, Parking Management, Weapon Detector for schools, Transport Sensor for ITS, Face Detector, License Plate Detector, Smart Traffic Light...

Moreover, you can change the software to a different specification an unlimited number of times without replacing the hardware.

The Videoblazer offers the same functionality as a powerful PC with three expensive nVidia graphics cards, but costs an order of magnitude less. The reliability of this device is 20 times higher than that of a Windows-based computer.

Outdoor:   -40  +40 

A small-sized case Waterproof, all connections to the periphery are sealed.

There are no air ducts for ventilation, so roadside dust is not a problem, which usually completely clogs all road electronics. There are no rubbing elements, so there is nothing to maintain. There is no need to endlessly change fans.

Well, everything is also silent - difficult to find. Today, when computers and video recorders are everywhere also taken away by thieves along with property, invisibility is a very useful factor. 

Videoblazer for various purposes can be combined into a common ECO-management system for an enterprise or a Safe city. A large number of such devices work as one. 

At the same time, it is not necessary to maintain server rooms for a huge number of computers, air conditioners for them, maintenance personnel. No difficulties, just connect to Net!

A basic videoblazar with 8 cameras, 4 sensors, and 4 control relays. This configuration makes it easier to place the unit closer to the cameras, sensors, and other devices, instead of running all those wires to a single centralized location. 

Application options: 


Smart Home 

Car parking

Weapon Detector 

Emergency communication console 

Safe City 

Automatic license plate number 

Mobile version 

Transport detectors 



First and foremost, this is a revolution in computer hardware specifically designed for artificial intelligence: Now, you can replace a huge, powerful computer and expensive nVidia graphics cards with a small, inexpensive box – the videoblazar, and the capabilities will be the same.

The videoblazar hardware unpacks video streams in 8K, and all this without huge server racks with powerful fans, as everyone is accustomed to seeing.

The videoblazar is needed and, most importantly, affordable for everyone and everywhere in life. For any person, any office, in any home or apartment, in a smart transportation system or car parking, even for building a Safe City.

The hardware is always the same – you simply change the firmware to suit your task. And the number of times you can change your wishes is unlimited.

The videoblazar has everything to analyze everything and manage everything. First of all, these are super-high-quality neural networks that recognize – just like us humans – any objects from a person with a car to a vending machine with a drone, this box now understands us and our lives.

A personal computer is not designed for working with video cameras. A large number of video streams, especially those compressed with the heavy H.264 codec, load the computer’s central processor to its full capacity. Multitasking leads to constant delays, freezes, and frame drops. But the videoblazar has hardware H.264/265 decoders on board. All video channels flow smoothly to the screen. Moreover, in 8K quality.

Furthermore, encoders are also on board. You can easily cut out and recompress the necessary recordings to the required format for sending over mobile channels.

The videoblazar has a special laboratory video analytics that responds to the nature of the behavior of recognized objects: people, cars, animals, and a hundred other useful targets – and all this in the midst of street interference, where everything is moving and a conventional video detector goes crazy. You can also identify faces in masks, balaclavas, helmets, protective clothing, and without it.

The videoblazar can instantly calculate people with weapons, and distinguish between carrying a weapon and readiness to shoot. For business, our videoblazar counts money or controls cash register operations for the sequence of actions, we can now even determine the position of a person’s hands or feet, his body and head at every moment, whether he has fallen or started fighting.

You can set your own scenarios. For example, recognize bottles and react if they disappear inside a person’s clothes. Based on this event, display a looped video recording of what happened on the “Attention!” operator panel. Perhaps not all reactions will be 100% adequate, but that’s why there is a security guard in the trading floor - to check them.

And it’s more convenient to check with a tablet, where events with the suspect’s face are pouring in. This is much better than explaining the signs over the radio, as is now done everywhere. Count people in the store, determine their loyalty by their faces, automatically calculate goods at the checkout and much more. 

Today, another previously unknown threat is actively gaining momentum – criminal drones. They disable street video cameras, peek into windows, eavesdrop on conversations, connect to home Wi-Fi. And they can simply carry a kilogram of TNT. For government facilities, you need to turn on the siren immediately – and this device already has a corresponding relay on board for this. You can simply inform the owner of a private house – and for this, send him a video clip to a messenger like Telegram.

Companies invest billions of dollars in data leak protection, yet they leak through ordinary mobile phones. Our videoblazer also detects them, in conjunction with a focus on monitors. Smart home technology is reaching a new level.

 Previously unable to assess events, now a Smart Home sees everything in detail, can determine if the owner is sleeping or exercising, if a child is home alone or with friends, can warn against children's dangerous actions, or even find that missing glass that fell off the shelf.

 Videoblazer outputs video information to both TVs and portable Android tablets via Wi-Fi, for Smart Home maintenance (their number is unlimited - even in every room), or to powerful monitors like video walls for situational centers, each block with 8K resolution. A special program can switch video channels to monitors and their display location.

 Do you think what's happening on this monitor is processed by a powerful computer with a large number of GPU video cards? And also configured by professionals, plus on a glitchy Windows?

 No, it's not even a personal computer, and it no longer needs server rooms or any space. videoblazer comes in a compact outdoor enclosure from -40 to +40 degrees. All peripheral connections are sealed. There are no ventilation ducts, so roadside dust, which usually clogs all roadside electronics, is not a concern. If we can say dust-free. There are no moving parts here, so there's nothing to service. No need to endlessly change fans.  There are no moving parts here, so there's nothing to service. No need to endlessly change fans. 

Well, and everything is also silent - hard to find. Today, when computers and recorders are also being taken by thieves along with property, stealth is a very useful factor. Videoblazer looks more like a simple electrical distribution box without signs of computer activity. Additionally, it can work both on a high-speed network and via Wi-Fi. Its gigabit network card can stream multi-channel 8K video. 

Videoblazer can also be controlled via a touchscreen, making it a super advanced device for Smart Homes.

 Depending on the program, which you can always change, videoblazer is capable of performing various tasks. 

And most importantly - its program no longer triggers on everything that moves. In the storm of natural and artificial interference, videoblazer finds useful targets. 

No more false alarms from branches, cats, birds, or spiders on the lens. We have freed users from unmanageable archives requiring hundreds of human lives to view. 

Now all video is divided into events, which can be quickly and easily browsed like book pages. Unlike humans, videoblazer notices even small objects somewhere in the distance.

 Or such inconspicuous people who blend into the background. And it doesn't matter if only hands or heads are visible, videoblazer will notice even a part of the body. Try contacting a security company to install an alarm in your yard. 

Unfortunately, you will simply be refused - no sensor works reliably outside. Even inside buildings, false triggers from motion sensors often occur, and all neighbors periodically hear your alarm ringing loudly. Security personnel respond to the site without knowing the reason for the trigger, which could cost you your life. 

And videoblazer sends a short video event, clearly showing what happened. It discards everything unnecessary, cuts and enlarges only the area in the frame where the desired object is noticed. The event log looks very convenient - nothing extra: time, place, and the person you need - without background. One press - and you get a detailed video of what happened in all its details. 

And without false triggers from branches or bugs. The state-of-the-art neural network SpecLab based on YOLO v8 excellently recognizes small objects, even if they are only partially visible. It works effectively in the dark. Even though you probably can't see anything here, there is a person! 

In all cases, not only neural networks determine what happened. Any physical sensors can be connected to videoblazer and combined with video in easily configurable logic. 

The logic is described in a conversational, intuitively understandable language. For example, we create a rule: if camera number 1 detects a person on a bicycle in its zone and motion sensor number three triggers for 10 seconds, then I command to perform a series of actions: close relay number 4 for a moment - 0 seconds. Plus activate the siren for 30 seconds. Well, and also send me a message on Telegram. As a result, we get a text description of what you have programmed in everyday human language. 

A vast array of devices based on videoblazer ensures intelligent management of the transportation infrastructure. Let's start with the fact that the SpecLab neural network excellently recognizes license plates, even in such dim lighting conditions when natural light is insufficient and infrared is not yet activated. And even in the dirt. We deliberately chose such weather conditions. 

The videoblazer housing fits perfectly on a mobile platform, while in a car, it recognizes the surroundings in motion and reads the license plates of passing vehicles. 

Videoblazer can be the brain of both an autonomous vehicle and a traffic management tool. It builds a smart intersection that regulates the phases of smart traffic lights to ensure maximum traffic flow capacity, while not forgetting about pedestrians.

 And for those drivers who do not want to obey traffic light signals, a complete system for enforcing penalties is provided, from recognizing traffic violations to issuing penalty tickets. 

A special version of videoblazer is an automated parking system that manages barriers or gates, allowing only those with registered license plates to enter. 

The icing on the cake: such parking automatically grants access to firefighters and emergency medical vehicles.

Videoblazers of various purposes can be combined into a unified Eco-management system for enterprises or Safe Cities. A large number of such devices work as a whole. This does not require server rooms for a huge number of computers, air conditioning for them, or maintenance personnel.

 Videoblazer provides the same functionality as a powerful PC with three expensive Nvidia cards. And it costs significantly less. Well, and there is nothing to break here either.

 No need to wipe, clean or change anything. If some block fails after 20 years, just perform a hot swap of the entire block. It's not as expensive as a PC.

And the main feature. For your tasks, SpecLab will train neural networks to order, just voice your desires! And you will get a magical box that can do EVERYTHING!

The ready device based on the latest chips was developed and fully manufactured by SpecLab company.