One hardware - 10 devices.

The new Videoblazer. Depending on the software, it can be a neural network-based DVR, alarm system, traffic sensor, security system, access control system, and…

No more need to change equipment! If you’ve sold the parking lot and no longer need Autoparking, change the software and get a video surveillance system for your apartment. Or an alarm system for your garage, or you can…

The videoblazer device developed by SpecialLab has everything you need on board to receive information from video cameras, from any type of sensors, everything you need to control any devices, including over the network, everything you need to analyze data - in a combination of all types of events, physical, visual, and neural network recognitions.

Depending on the firmware, the Video Blazer can serve as:

And all this will work in any climatic conditions!

Learn more…